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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful for many things

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow! We have so much to be grateful for! Our family, friends, good health, good jobs, good opportunities and a good life.  Hopefully we will continue to be blessed and have many wonderful reasons to be thankful for many, many, many years.

Thanksgiving weekend marks a year that we saw the house in Key Largo for the first time.  Since we were depressed about losing the contract for our new casa, we started looking for a second home in the Keys and found our little diamond in the rough.

In the past year we have had many personal accomplishments and made huge strides in accomplishing some of our goals.

One of the most recent accomplishments is that the kitchen in our new casa is 95% finished, which means we were able to cook Thanksgiving dinner in our new kitchen (actually, it was the first meal ever cooked in the new kitchen).

I am very pleased with how it's coming out.

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